Friday, June 5, 2009 ;
10:11 AM

Well, I've FINALLY remembered to post after who know how long.

Poly has started and well, I'm currently on holiday and feeling bored(Quelle surprise). But so far, the poly school life has been rather........interesting. Crazy things happen in class: People waving their rear ends at the class next door, insane laughter and other things that I do not even want to mention!
Maybe I should fast forward a bit, before I bore y'all to death!

Fast forward....bzzzzt...............

In between, I watched X-men origins: Wolverine at Plaza singapura!!! And "someone" ate most of the popcorn while watching! LOL! Gambit.was.awesome!!!

Ok, play XD

Ok, now I'm at the last day of the term. Apparently, on that day, we were supposed to come in superhero costumes, which some of us did. I was Rorschach(Watchmen), Danial was Wolverine, JJ was Gambit and Sara was Marvel girl. In short, we were a motely crew of psychotic poly first year's who had nothing better to do but to dress as superheros and annoy the neighbouring classes! But a little insanity here and there helps keep things interesting! XD............And I somehow gained the designation of "Father Nature" due to my tendency to wear green!

If you're reading this, Liz, put a leaf in it! hahahaa XD

Now I shall skip to the sentosa trip with my dear classmates, since most of the parts in between are about me watching the Aliens quadrilogy back to back!

The sentosa trip. was . funocity!!(LOL, I made up that word!). At first, we hit the beach.....and a lot of weird, but funny-weird things happened after that. Some rather amusing scultures were made on Danial and JJ after they were buried in the sand.....see the pics!

WTF! Hahahaahahah XD

Lunch time
Group shot!

After that, I was chased about the beach by several of my friends who wanted to throw me in the water. Luckily, I managed to evade them, but Ying Xiu on the other hand......hee hee, she was thrown into the water! I eventually went into the water by my will anyway! Hahaha.
After a shower and everything, we went shopping at Vivo and I was litterally tearing from the Tom yam soup! Hahaha
By the time I went home, I was suuuuuper tired. Not from the trip, but mostly from the running I did! (Why didn't I join track and field?LOL)

Hee hee, on thursday I crashed Ngee ann's psychology lecture.....with the help of an "insider" XD. Psychology was rather interesting, with the conditioned and unconditioned response and the "Little Albert" experiment and all. Maybe I should have taken psychology instead of Biomed! Hahahaa, I owe you a treat, Rachel! Sorry for the trouble!!

Which brings me to the really weird dreams I keep having.......The weirdest and most fun dream was probably one with the spatial distortion, where one door would lead to a whole different place! I dreamt I was in Rome!!!!!! :D
I shall start from this week, where the recent spate of weird dreams were more memorable and weird.
Monday: No dream.....just a lot of sleeplessness

Tuesday: Was stuck in a city full of zombies.....and I had to run from them all, but I died in my dream, from a nuke when the military decided to bomb the city! ( This might be due to my recent playing of left 4 dead!)

Wednesday: I dreamt that I was sleeping, and when I woke up, the ceiling was gone and there was these words scibbled on the wall next me, reading "We deserve the punishment meted out to us". Then it flashed to Earth, deviod of all life. There was no water, no blue sky, no nothing. It was just a barren rock.(This is the worst nightmare I've ever had!!!!!!!!)

Thursday: In short, I dreamt I crashed the lectures of every single poly! (LOL!)

Friday: Still to come.

Ah well, I suppose my weird dreams tell something.

Today, I did nothing much except attend my comics IG meeting. And I somehow gained the nickname "Stitch" from "Lilo and stitch"!! Gee,I wonder how that happened!

*yawn* Ah, I'm tired.......I think I'll go to sleep already. I hope I'll post again soon!

Mission Acomplished

Master Cheif
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This is E-Hong's blog
Location:Like everyone's somewhere!:)
Interests:Icthyology, biodiversity and other sorts of things that I don't feel like saying for now.....
Fav tv shows:Cities of the Underworld,Monster quest,Spongebob,CSI miami and Avatar:the last airbender

Favourite quote:They say the best weapon is one that never has to be fired,
I on the other hand like the kind that only needs to be fired once.
That's how dad did it.
That's how America did it,and it's worked out pretty well so far.
(Tony stark-iron man)


War Cries;
So full of hate were our eyes that none of us could see.
Our war would yield countless dead, but never victory.
So let us cast arms aside, and like discard our wrath.
Thou, in faith, will keep us safe, whilst we find the path.

Swords so easily drawn beg to be used...and are rarely so easy to put away again

Resolutions(that I will try to follow)
1.Update my blog on a regular basis!!
2.Don't procrastinate about updating my blog
3.Charge my phone at night!!!
4.Finish reading my books
5.Watch CSI miami and Avatar back to back during the holidays(Stupid resolution,I know)
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