Monday, February 16, 2009 ;
12:26 AM
I've finally got around to posting after being "threatened" via numerous angry emails and death threats via facebook.(Just kidding!)
Nothing much has happened besides the usual.........Ah wells,went birdwatching with Rachel to Sungei Buloh last sunday.Nothing out of the ordinary there besides the large spider and rather large Monitor lizard(which SOMEONE keeps calling a "Komodo dragon",and as a result,I'm starting to call it a Komodo dragon also!lolz).Basically,we had lunch at the Kranji MRT station first before going there.Then we sat at the bus stop to wait for 925.
So we waited,
and waited,
and waited,
and waited,and waited for half an hour...then the bus drove by while we were talking!AHH!!!After that,we gave up waiting and took a taxi there instead.
While at Sungei Buloh,the same "blind leading the blind" thing happened again.Apparently,Rachel was following me while I was following her!LOL!
Saw a group of Green Chromides at the sluice gates and if your're reading this Rachel,they have absolutely nothing to do with Chromium!
After the Chromide-chromium thing(LOL),walked further in to the outdoor classroom and saw three(or was it four?)squirrels munching away on some sort of nuts.
Moving on to the more swampy areas,we saw a heck load of clams and mudskippers....with the occasional kingfisher.
As the tide was going out,most of the birds moved to the sand bar of the river
at the main bridge.There were only 3 kids of birds feeding there:Little herons(that's what they're really called!),Great egrets and little egrets.
And then,it started to rain!Thankfully,we were already at the visitor centre by then.
After the rain stopped,we took the bus back out to the MRT station and called it a day.
That's pretty much the only thing worth posting that I did last week !This week,nothing much has happened besides me watching Avatar:the last airbender season 1!!MWAHAHAHA!!!
.....Oh well,I'll post again soon.....well maybe not soon soon.!Hahah.

Mission Acomplished

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 ;
4:55 AM
My brother asked me to do this little strange/weird quiz so I'll just play along and go with the flow.....LOLZ

1. Are you single - DUR!
2. Are you happy - Sort of.
3. Are you bored - A little
4. Are you fair - Yeah,duh!
5. Are you Italian -NO!
6. Are you intelligent - Depends on the subject
7. Are you honest -Yeah......sometimes.
8. Are you nice - Most of the time,yes.
9. Are you Irish - I'm not Italian,and I'm sure that I'm certainly not Irish!
10. Are you Asian - Is the sky blue?DUH!YES!
1. Full Name - Seah E-Hong
2. Nicknames - Heck load of em'......I don't want to say.
3. Birth place - Singapore .
4. Hair color - black .
5. Natural hair style - Relatively straight.
6. Eye Color - black .
7. Birthday - Don't feel like saying
8. Mood - happy .
9. Favorite color - Black,white,orange,blue,Metallic blue
10. One place you'd like to visit - The Viet khong tunnels(Hopefully I spelt it right!)
1. Have you ever been in love - Don't want to say.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight -Nope
3. Do you currently have a crush? - Don't want to say
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally -No....Not yet, at least
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - Dunno
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - no .
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Please,WHO in the right mind would say?
8. Are you afraid of commitment - ......................
9. Who was the last person you hugged -Dunno
10. Who was the last person you said i love you to? - Dunno
1. Love or lust - love .
2. Hard liquor or beer - neither .
3. Cats or dogs - Neither
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Few best friends .
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy(Maybe that's why I liked the fried grasshoppers in Cambodia so much!)
6. Pencil or Pen - Pen .
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Don't want to say.
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness .......Actually,preferably both!Hee hee! XD
9. Night or day - Night....I'm a nocturnal kind of person
10. IM or phone - phone .
1. Been caught sneaking out - No,cause I don't sneak out!
2. Seen a polar bear - Yeah,at the zoo!
3. Done something you regret - Many things
4. Bungee jumped - Egads!No!
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - No
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Yes
7. Been caught naked - Heck No!
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - no .
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Errrmmm......Do I seriously have to answer the question?
10. Wanted to disappear - yes.....sometimes
1. Smile or eyes -Don't wanna tell.
2. Light or dark hair - Dark hair
3. Hugs or kisses - Don't wanna tell.
4. Shorter or taller - Don't wanna tell.
5. Intelligence or attraction - Both
6. Topman or Zara - What?
7. Funny or serious - Both
8. Older or Younger - Same age as I am.....
9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad - Sweet .
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Can't recall
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Yeah
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - Yeah .
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope.I don't really like rock.
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - Heck NO!
6. Ever been on a dance team - Heck NO!
7. Ever been on a sports team - Nope.
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Can't recall.
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley - I'm not even old enough to drive!
10. Ever been in a rap video - Do I look like the kind who will?
1. Last phone call you made - Dunno
2. Last person you hugged - Dunno
3. Last person you hung out with - I don't want to say
4. Last time you worked - Late January.
5. Last person you talked to - Dunno
6. Last person you IM'd - Someone
7. Last person you texted - Someone
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Forgot,and I usually like to watch movies alone.
9. Last person/thing you missed - I Dunno
10. Last website visited -

Mission Acomplished

Monday, February 2, 2009 ;
6:31 AM
I finally got around to posting in my blog(which I haven't in a verrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy long time).First off is the spooky occurences at the class chalet,furniture being moved on the floor above even though there was no floor above!!Next was the windows opening and closing by themselves and the sound of heavy footsteps on the ceiling!! Spooky...wooo...

Oh yeah,I've come up with a few......resolutions for myself,even if new year is long gone.But knowing myself,I probably would break them sooner or later.See them at the left column.LOL
BTW,my cbox is like dead.......and decomposing!!

Chinese new year was great....meeting relatives,getting Ang Paos and Ang paos.The celebration at my house yesterday was the best though,with a lion dance and a buffet.Some of my friends were invited as well.We played Risk.....again!!I'm starting to get a phobia of risk already!However,this game only lasted 2 hours unlike the last game.
The funniest thing was that Rachel found a fellow Avatar fan:Me.Lol.
After the Risk game and the lion dance,Zhi Siong,my brother and Winston had a bit of fun blowing each other up in halo 3.I couldn't really play since the 4th controller was out of batteries!!While the guys were blowing each other up,Rachel and Wee Yin went fooling around with my dog and my fish.My dog kept wanting Rachel to give it a belly rub!
Sadly,Zhi Siong left before we could take a group photo.....maybe I should photoshop him into the picture........oh wells,I've blogged enough for now.....would post again soon(I hope).

Group photo(minus Zhi Siong)

Smile for the camera!

Mission Acomplished

Master Cheif
Marine Tag Number:;
Welcome to my blog
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This is E-Hong's blog
Location:Like everyone's somewhere!:)
Interests:Icthyology, biodiversity and other sorts of things that I don't feel like saying for now.....
Fav tv shows:Cities of the Underworld,Monster quest,Spongebob,CSI miami and Avatar:the last airbender

Favourite quote:They say the best weapon is one that never has to be fired,
I on the other hand like the kind that only needs to be fired once.
That's how dad did it.
That's how America did it,and it's worked out pretty well so far.
(Tony stark-iron man)


War Cries;
So full of hate were our eyes that none of us could see.
Our war would yield countless dead, but never victory.
So let us cast arms aside, and like discard our wrath.
Thou, in faith, will keep us safe, whilst we find the path.

Swords so easily drawn beg to be used...and are rarely so easy to put away again

Resolutions(that I will try to follow)
1.Update my blog on a regular basis!!
2.Don't procrastinate about updating my blog
3.Charge my phone at night!!!
4.Finish reading my books
5.Watch CSI miami and Avatar back to back during the holidays(Stupid resolution,I know)
Marine's Squad ;
Class blog
Jeremy Tan aka Kelly's no.1 fan

Marine's Extra Stuff;
Complicated - Avril Lavigne A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
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